Big Calm cofounder Steve Hardy once ran a disaster and emergency management tech startup and would regularly speak at events about black swans, uncertainty, emergence, applied improv, resilience, and antifragility – all subjects that are even more pertinent today and that crossover to permaculture and tiny homesteading.
So, rummaging through the archives, here is a recording of that talk: The Herd of Cats: How Entrepreneurs, Improvisers, and Disaster Managers Approach an Uncertain World.
If you enjoyed this theme, here are a few other links – beginning with the wonderful Pablo Suarez of the International Red Cross/Crescent’s Climate Center speaking about harnessing humour.
Be sure to also check out our post outlining The Adaptive Cycle, which pairs nicely with this thoughtful reflection by Paul Chefurka on Finding the Gift in the darkness (audio here).